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What is the only thing a consumer will always receive from a Utility Company?

A good old fashioned utility bill.

Most consumers seek to save money by reducing electricity consumption, and fail to realize that their electric bill is the tool to use to accomplish that goal.

  • As you may know, very few consumers are equipped to accurately monitor their own utility bills.
  • In fact, most have grown accustomed to merely accepting their utility bills at face value and paying the billed amount.
  • The majority of line items listed on a consumers' utility bill can be avoided and removed.
Old Utility Bill

Can a consumer control, reduce, and maintain the cost of utility services provided?

Absolutely, by enforcing the Utility's Compliance.

Utility Compliance is required by state and federal law, and allows the consumer to Control, Reduce, and Maintain the cost of utility services provided.

  • It starts with a consumer clearly understanding the various components of the utility billing process.
  • A Compliant Utility smart meter reduces the overall utility bill you are now paying.
  • The Smart Meter Program will identify and verify each line item on the utility bill, in order to enforce utility compliance for the services provided.
New Utility Bill

Discover an exclusive consumer program to unlock your smart meter potential!

With a Proprietary Smart Meter Application code.

Accurate usage and billing data is required for verification of each individual bill line item and additional rate riders entering the utility bill behind the meter.

  • Think of the smart meter as a cash register, for every item scanned you expect the correct price. The Smart Meter Program Guarantees the correct price.
  • Each smart meter provides real time cost calculation for KW's of demand and KWh's of usage.
  • A Smart Meter Program distinctly defines only the Utility Compliant line items on every bill.
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